Review into the death of Annette
Published June 2024
The death of a woman in her late 30s, known as ‘Annette,' for the review. The perpetrator received a 22-year prison sentence for murder.
Issues identified
- Annette was a vulnerable woman with complex health needs. Annette received support from social services and housing authorities. The perpetrator took advantage of this.
- Services were not aware of the perpetrator, his needs or the risk he posed.
- Annette was a victim of 'cuckooing'. This is when 'criminals or gangs take over a local property, normally belonging to a vulnerable person, and use it to operate their criminal activity from' (National Crime Agency).
Lessons learned
- The importance of holistic multi-agency working and information-sharing to safeguard vulnerable people.
- The importance of appropriate language in recording and assessments.
- The need to raise awareness of "cuckooing" across all agencies and safeguarding teams.
Actions we are taking
- Increased information sharing links between GP practices and safeguarding mechanisms.
- Linked in with learning from other reviews across Sussex. This ensures use of more trauma-informed language.
- Incorporated "cuckooing" into multi-agency safeguarding training.
Overview report
This report is not yet on the online Home Office Domestic Homicide Review Library. For a copy of the report, email